Well written.
My opinion likely won’t matter much, yet I find it important to bring up, racism is stamped/branded as mostly a white person' disease. If it is true, what is the point of trying to explain away something a lot of people, particularly some heated responses on this comment thread insist is fact, possibly, hopelessly biological? Any group of people, anyone can be a racist, as the author smartly pointed out multiple times.
I’m waiting for the day when those claiming another is racist starts naming names.
It’s far more difficult to deny a claim when it is generic i.e. white people, Poles, Southern whites, etc. are racist.
That said, any one person could work with inner-city disadvantaged families, marry a person of another ethnicity, raise mixed race children and still, literally turn a street corner, bump into someone and be branded a racist because of their appearance. Shameful.
Humanity is complex. A world changing day for the better will be when a large + loud group of people start naming names for those bad actors, hold them accountable and quit taking the easy and hateful way of claiming an entire ethnic group is bad. Because that is so much easier than outing the real bad ones.
I implore those who insist white privilege is a social disease, pause and think about the actions of a racist.
I doubt many racists would: smile, offer a hand shake, complement you.
If a disenfranchised feeling person took the time to sample that feeling, go one further.
If they were the white person, would they really care, unprovoked (read: until someone calls you a racist) how a person of another ethnicity is treated. Where does that rank for you?
Above earning a living, caring for your family, spending quality time with friends?
Likely there are a dozen more thoughts you will prioritize. And when you do have time to think on white privilege, what is the action/words/thought process?
What is a person with this white privilege suppose to do to atone?
At some point the persistent loud rhetoric will sway more whites to just accept being a racist and treat others less than, or enough people from disparate cultures will be brave enough to work together to end this cycle of hate speech.
Note, none of what the author said or I contributed means the centuries of bad deeds will be excused or forgotten.
From: a white guy who genuinely cares