Matthew your piece speaks against Ellen’s simple premise about being open minded to other voices that by being a friend of a perceived enemy (e.g. dems cavorting with repubs), is meant to be a broad strokes commentary on being civil to one another is a positive, not a misstep on her part. Her basic point is to help break down walls built on “us vs. them”. I can say with personal experience your piece pushes people right or wrong, who admire GW further to the right, benefiting the lunatic fringe on the extreme right. There are people who have very likely been treated with kindness by Mr. Bush, framing their opinion if him.
Your piece may have resonated positively with disenfranchised conservatives had you also pointed out the mega death action of a Dem, e.g. Truman who was the one responsible for the only atomic war actions, killing tens of thousands and also pointing to a conservative who has accomplished something of merit.
Being an observer I’m uncertain your expectation of your commentary, thought to share the insight from the perspective of someone who is very concerned about the seemingly increased stereotyping based on political leanings. Your points about Bush and his culpability is not in question.
Simply a suggestion from a proud moderate and child a conservative and friend of many leftist ideologues.